Current Members
Former Members
Daniele Sepe - Postdoc (webpage )
Interests: Integrable Hamiltonian systems, Hamiltonian group actions in symplectic and Poisson geometry, (singular) integral affine geometry.
David Martinez Torres - Postdoc (webpage )
Interests: Poisson structures, Lie algebroids and Lie groupoids, foliations and geometric and topological questions around symplectic and contact geometry.
Matias del Hoyo - Postdoc (webpage )
Interests: Algebraic Topology, Lie groupoids and Lie algebroids.
Gil Cavalcanti - Associate Professor (webpage )
Interests: Differential Geometry, especially Generalised complex geometry and Symplectic Geometry, Low dimensional topology.
Arjen Baarsma - PhD
Supervisor: Gil Cavalcanti
Interests: Generalised complex structures and their deformations.
Roy Wang - PhD
Supervisor: Marius Crainic
Interests: Poisson Geometry, EDS, Nash-Moser techniques.
Dmitry Roytenberg - Postdoc (webpage )
Interests: Higher homotopical and categorical structures in differential geometry: differential graded supermanifolds, higher Lie algebroids and groupoids, higher and derived stacks.
Joao Mestre - PhD
Supervisor: Marius Crainic
Interests: Lie groupoids, in particular proper Lie groupoids and their orbit spaces.
Boris Osorno Torres - PhD
Supervisor: Marius Crainic
Interests: Regular Poisson manifolds, in particular constructions of regular Poisson structures and symplectic foliations.
Joey van der Leer Duran - PhD
Supervisor: Gil Cavalcanti
Interests: Generalised complex Geometry.
Ralph Klaasse - PhD
Supervisor: Gil Cavalcanti
Interests: Seiberg-Witten theory and symplectic geometry.
Marius Crainic - Professor (webpage )
Interests: Differential Geometry - especially Poisson, but also Symplectic, Contact, generalised complex structures, Foliations, Lie groupoids (active), Lie pseudogroups, EDS and the geometry of PDEs (more recent), Noncommutative Geometry (dormant).
Pedro Frejlich - Postdoc
Interests: Poisson Geometry and Topology, h-principles for various geometric structures.
Ori Yudilevich - PhD
Supervisor: Marius Crainic
Interests: Geometry of PDEs, Lie pseudogroups, Lie groupoids and algebroids.
Bas Janssens - Postdoc (webpage )
Interests: Cohomology and representation theory of infinite dimensional Lie algebras of a geometric nature (such as gauge algebras); string geometry.
Fabian Ziltener - Assistant Professor (webpage )
Interests: Symplectic geometry, gauge theory and PDE’s.
Davide Alboresi - PhD
Supervisor: Gil Cavalcanti
Michael Bailey - Postdoc
Interests: Generalised complex geometry.
Luuk Hendrikx - Master Student
David van der Giessen - Master Student
Sander Beekhuis - Master Student
Niels Havik - Master Student
Master Students