Berhanu, T., Savarino, J., Bhattacharya, S.K.: MIF interaction between NOx/NOy and O3”, INTRAMIF summer school, Norwich, 2010.
Berhanu, T., Savarino, J., Bhattacharya, S.K.: Quantification of isotopic anomaly during the NO2 + O3 → NO3 + O2 reaction, EGU Vienna, 2011. Note: this poster has also be shown at the 10th Informal meeting on Atmospheric and Molecular science (Copenhagen, 2011) and at the INTRAMIF summer school, Paris, 2011)
Berhanu, T., Savarino, J., Landais, A., Prié, F., Winkler, R., Röckmann, T., Früchtl, M., Kaiser, J., Blunier, T., Reutenauer, C.: Ag2O: A new non–mass dependent standard material for oxygen isotope measurements, ISI 2012, Washington, 2012.
Campisi, L., Kaiser J.: Nitrate isotope anomaly as tracer of biogeochemical nitrogen cycling, INTRAMIF Summer School, Norwich, 2010. NOTE: this poster was also shown at European Geosciences Union General Assembly, Vienna, 2011.
Campisi, L., Kaiser, J., Marca-Bell, A., Jickells, T., Dennis, P.: Triple oxygen isotope fractionation during phase transitions, Tenth Informal Conference on Atmospheric and Molecular Science, Copenhagen, 2011.
Forecast, R., Schmidt, J.A., Hartman, H., Nilsson, H., Huldt, S., Johnson, M.S.: Absorption cross section measurements of CO2 isotopologues 13CO2 and C18O2 in the wavelength range 150 – 187 nm, at EGU 2011, European Geosciences Union, General Assembly: Session on Isotopes in Geosciences, Vienna, April 2011.
Forecast, R., Rosenørn, T., Schmidt, J.A., Johnson, M.S.: Gas Phase Kinetics with the Copenhagen Centre for Atmospheric Research Photochemical Reactor, at ISI 2010, The Fifth International Symposium on Isotopomers, Amsterdam, June 2010.
Forecast, R., MIF Transfer and Effects in Gas Phase Reactions, at the INTRAMIF
Network Summer School on MIF processes, UEA, Norwich, UK, September, 2010.
Fruechtl, M., Röckmann, T.: Laboratory measurements of the anomalous isotopic composition of ozone, EGU, Vienna, Austria, 2011. NOTE: this poster was also shown at the 10th Informal Conference on atmospheric and molecular science, Copenhagen, 2011.
Grefe, I., Kaiser, J.: Unravelling the origin of the isotope anomaly in atmospheric nitrous oxide, INTRAMIF Summer School, Norwich, 2010.
Grefe, I., Kaiser, J.: Measurements of N2O concentrations in the surface ocean with an off-axis ICOS analyser, European Geosciences Union General Assembly, Vienna, 2011.
Grefe, I., Kaiser J.: Automated measurements of the 17O isotope excess in nitrous oxide from environmental samples, Tenth Informal Conference on Atmospheric and Molecular Science, Copenhagen, 2011.
Grefe, I., Dennis, P., Marca, A., Röckmann, T., Kaiser, J.: Measurements of the 17O isotope excess in marine nitrous oxide, SOLAS Summer School, Cargèse, 2011. NOTE: this poster was also shown at INTRAMIF Summer School, Paris, 2011.
Grefe, I., Lee, G.A., Fielding, S., Kaiser, J,: High resolution measurements of nitrous oxide concentrations in the Scotia Sea, Challenger Conference, Norwich, 2012.
Grefe, I., Lee, G.A., Fielding, S., Kaiser, J.: Nitrous oxide in the Scotia and Weddell Sea, UK Antarctic Science Conference, Cambridge, 2012.
Meusinger, C., Mahler, D., Schmidt, J.A., Bilde, M., Johnson, M.: SO2 self-shielding and isotope effects in aerosol science, The Fifth International Symposium on Isotopomers, Amsterdam, 2010.
Meusinger, C., Mahler, D., Schmidt, J.A., Bilde, M., Johnson, M.: Mass Idependent Fractionation in aerosol formation studies, SO2 self-shielding and dual–beam studies, INTRAMIF summerschool, Norwich, UK, 2010.
Mahler, D.W., Meusinger, C., Danielache, S.O., Ueno, Y., Jost, R., Johnson, M.: Absorption cross sections of sulfur dioxide isotopologues and the dual beam spectrometer, The Fifth International Symposium on Isotopomers, Amsterdam, 2010.
Meusinger, C., Vicars, W., Erbland, J., Savarino, J., Domine, F., Johnson, M.: Isotopic signatures of nitrate loss processes in snow - laboratory experiments on desorption and photolysis, Tenth Informal Conference on Atmospheric and Molecular Science Conference, Copenhagen, 2011.
Meusinger, C., Savarino, J., Domine, F., Johnson, M.: Photolysis and desorption of nitrate in snow - A laboratory study, EGU, Vienna, 2011.
Meusinger, C., Dusek, U., King, S.M., Bilde, M., Röckmann, T., Johnson, M.: 13–Carbon isotopic fractionation in secondary organic aerosol formation, EAC 2012, NOTE: this poster was also presented at the ISI 2012.
Meusinger, C., Berhanu, T.A., Erbland, J., Dominé, F., Savarino, J., Johnson, M.: Photochemical isotope effects in snowpack nitrate, EGU, 2012.
Mrozek D., Röckmann, T: High precision ∆17O analysis of CO2 through Dual Inlet MS measurements , Basis 2010, Arnhem, The Netherlands, 2010.
Mrozek D., Röckmann, T: CO2 + O3 isotope exchange via O(1D) and stratospheric CO2, INTRAMIF Summer school , Norwich, England, 2010.
Mrozek D., Röckmann, T: Determination of ∆17O in stratospheric CO2 using oxygen isotope exchange with CeO2, IMPRS and SENSE/WIMEK research school, Paphos, Cyprus, 2010. NOTE: this poster was also shown at the EGU, 2011, at the ICAMS, 2011, and at the INTRAMIF summer school “Science and Society”, 2011.
Mrozek, D., Röckmann,T: Online, high precision analytical method for determination of D17O in stratospheric CO2 with the use of CeO2 isotopic exchange, EGU, Vienna, 2012. NOTE: this poster was also shown at the Marie Curie Actions conference, 2012.
Pathirana, S.L., Röckmann, T.: The stable isotopic composition of carbon monoxide from Greenland firn samples collected at NEEM, 6th International Symposium on Isotopes, Washington, 2012.
Pathirana, S.L., Röckmann, T.: A novel analytical system for studying the stable isotopes of carbon monoxide using CF-IRMS, The 5th International Symposium on Isotopes, Amsterdam, 2010. NOTE: this poster was also shown at EGU, Vienna, 2011.
Pathirana, S.L., Röckmann, T.: An analytical system for studying the stable isotopes of carbon monoxide using CF-IRMS, Tenth Informal Conference on Atmospheric and Molecular Science, Copenhagen, 2011.
Pathirana, S.L., Röckmann, T.: Mass independent fractionation in atmospheric CO & the CO+OH reaction, INTRAMIF Summer School, Norwich, 2010.
Ranjan, S., Leuenberger, M., Landais, A.: Mass Independent Fractionation in Tropospheric H2O: Relation to MIF in Tropospheric CO2, Radiocarbon & Stratosphere-Troposphere Exchange (STE); The 5th International Symposium on Isotopomers (ISI), Amsterdam, 2010.
Ranjan, S., Leuenberger, M., and Landais, A.: Test for an improved Setup of continuous 17O determination, NCCR summer school, Grindelwald, Switzerland, 2010. NOTE: this poster was also shown at the INTRAMIF summer school, Norwich, Great Britain, 2010.
Ranjan, S., Leuenberger, M.: Testing of a continuous technique for water isotope determination; EGU, Vienna, Austria, 2011.
Ranjan, S., Leuenberger, M.: 17O Determination of Meteoric Water; XVIII International Union for Quaternary Research (INQUA) Congress, Bern, Switzerland, 2011.
Ranjan, S., Leuenberger, M.:17O determination of Meteoric water by multiple online sample injection, INTRAMIF summer school “Science and Society”, Paris, France, 2011.
Ranjan, S., Leuenberger, M., Winkler, R., Landais, A.: Influence of pH on D17O using the conventional equilibration device and a comparison to the CoF3 method, EGU, Vienna, 2012.
Reutenauer, C., Blunier, T.: Development of a new extraction and measurement system for the triple oxygen isotope composition of O2 based on a hollow fiber perovskite membrane, ISI 2010, Amsterdam, The Netherlands, 2010.
Reutenauer, C., Blunier, T.: Performance of a hollow fiber perovskite membrane: development of a new separation method for oxygen triple isotope measurements, EGU, Vienna, Austria, 2011.
Reutenauer, C., Blunier, T.: New extraction and measurement system for triple isotopic composition of oxygen, 10th Informal Conference on Atmospheric and Molecular Science, Copenhagen, 2011.
Janssen, C., Simone, D., Elandaloussi, H., Camy-Peyret, C., Guinet, M., Mondelain, D.: Redetermination of UV cross sections and IR intensities of ozone – a progress report, 22nd Workshop on High Resolution Molecular Spectroscopy, Dijon, 2011.
Simone, D., Guinet, M., Janssen, C.: Precision laboratory measurement of pure ozone: quantification of impurities containing nitrogen, 10th Informal Conference on Atmospheric and Molecular Science, Copenhagen, 2011.
Simone, D., Guinet, M., Janssen, C.: New method for preparation and measurement of pure ozone, INTRAMIF Summer School "Science and Society”Paris, 2011)
Vicars W. C.; Erbland, J.; Savarino, J.: Comprehensive isotopic composition of nitrate in Antarctic snow and atmospheric aerosol samples: towards interpretation of the polar ice core record; EGU General Assembly; Vienna; 2011. NOTE: this poster was also shown at the INTRAMIF summer school “Science and Society”, Paris, 2011, at the INTRAMIF summer school “Mass Independent Isotope Fractionation”, Norwich, 2010, and during the European Research Course on Atmospheres (ERCA) in Grenoble, 2012.
Winkler, R., Landais, A., 17O-excess: a new tracer in the hydrological cycle INTRAMIF summer school, Norwich, 2010.
Winkler, R., Landais, A., Uemura, R., Cunde, X., Hoffmann, G., Jouzel, J., Kelley, M., Fukui, K.: Spatial (data and model) and temporal variability of 17O-excess in East Antarctica, EGU General Assembly, Vienna, 2010. NOTE: this poster was also shown at TALDICE and EPICA science meeting, Rome, 2010.
Winkler, R., Landais, A., Prié, F., Stenni, B., Moy, A., v. Ommen, T., Fourré, E., Jean-Baptiste, P., Beley, J.-J., Jouzel, J.: Temporal and spatial 17O-excess variations reflect changes in the hydrological cycle except in remote central east Antarctica, INTRAMIF summer school, Paris, 2011. NOTE: this poster was also shown at The Tenth Informal Conference on Atmospheric and Molecular Science, Copenhagen, 2011.
Winkler, R., Landais, A., Prié, Oerter, H., Petit, J., Stenni, B. Moy, A.D., van Ommen, T.D., Fourre, E., Jean–Baptiste, P., Masson–Delmotte, V., Jouzel, J.: Towards a deeper understanding of 17O–excess in Antarctica, AGU, San Francisco, 2011.
Fourre, E., Jean-Baptiste, P., Petit, J.-R., Lipenkov, V., Winkler, R., Landais, A.: Spatial and temporal tritium variability at Vostok station, Goldschmidt conference, Prague, 2011.
Berhanu, T., Savarino, J., Bhattacharya, S.K., Vicars, W.C.: 17O excess transfer during the NO2 + O3 → NO3 + O2 reaction, J. Chem. Phys., 136(4): 044311, 2012.
Saccon, P., Leis, A., Marca, A., Kaiser, J., Campisi, L., Savarino, J., Böttcher, M., Escher, P., Eisenhauer, A., Sültenfuß, J., Erbland, J.: Detection and characterisation of potential nitrate pollution sources in the Marano Lagoon and set-up of an environmental monitoring plan. FONIMAR project. Part II. Bollettino della Società Naturalisti "Silvia Zenari" 35, 43-80, 2011.
Saccon, P., Leis, A., Marca, A., Kaiser, J., Campisi, L., Böttcher, M.E., Savarino, J., Escher, P., Eisenhauer, A., Erbland, J.: Multi-isotope approach for the identification and characterisation of multiple nitrate pollution sources in the Marano Lagoon (Italy) and part of its catchment area. Appl. Geochem., 2012, in review.
Keppler, F., Vigano, I., McLeod, A., Ott, U., Früchtl, M., Röckmann, T.: Ultraviolet–radiation–induced methane emissions from meteorites and the Martian atmosphere, Nature, Vol. 486, p. 93–96, doi: 10.1038/nature11203, 2012.
Schmidt, J.A., Hattori, S., Meusinger, C., Johnson, M.S., Yoshida, N., Nanbu, S., Schinke, R.: On the isotopic fingerprint exerted on carbonyl sulfide by the stratosphere, Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics, submitted, 2012.
Johnson, M.S., Schmidt, J.S., Meusinger, C., Schinke, R., Lyons, J.R.: Isotopologue and temperature dependence of CO2 photolysis from 150 to 210 nm; implications for the atmospheres of Mars, Venus, and Earth, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the U. S. A, submitted, 2012.
Enghoff, M.B., Bork, N., Hattori, S., Meusinger, C., Nakagawa, M., Pedersen, J.O.P., Danielache, S., Ueno, Y., Johnson, M.S., Yoshida, N., Svensmark, H.:. An isotopic analysis of ionising radiation as a source of sulphuric acid, Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics 12, 5319–5327, doi:10.5194/acp-12-5319-2012, 2012.
Janssen, C., Simone, D., Guinet, M.: Preparation and accurate measurement of pure ozone, Rev. Sci. Instrum. 82, 034102, 2011.
Vicars, W.C., Bhattacharya, S.K., Erbland, J., Savarino, J.: Measurement of the 17O excess (Δ17O) of tropospheric ozone using a nitrite-coated filter; Rapid Commun. Mass Spectrom., 26(10), 1219–1231, doi:10.1002/rcm.6218, 2012.
Erbland, J., Vicars W.C., Savarino, J., Morin, S., Frey, M.M., Vince, E., Martins, J.M.F.: Air–snow transfer of nitrate on the East Antarctic plateau – Part 1: Isotopic evidence for a photolytically driven dynamic equilibrium, in review at Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics.
Winkler, R., Landais, A., Sodemann, H., Dümbgen, L., Prié, F., Masson-Delmotte, F., Stenni, B., Jouzel, J.: Deglaciation records of 17O-excess in East Antarctica: reliable reconstruction of oceanic relative humidity from coastal sites, Clim. Past Discuss., 7, 1845-1886, 2011.
Landais, A., Steen-Larsen, H.C., Guillevic, M., Masson-Delmotte, V., Vinther, B., Winkler, R.: Triple isotopic composition of oxygen in surface snow and water vapor at NEEM (Greenland), GCA, vol.77, pp 304–316, 2012.
Landais, A., Ekaykin, A., Barkan, E., Winkler, R., Luz, B.: Seasonal variations of 17O–excess and d–excess in in snow precipitation at Vostok station, East Antarctica, Journal of Glaciology, 58, 210, 725–733, 2012.
Winkler, R., Landais, A., Sodemann, H., Dümbgen, L., Prié, F., Masson–Delmotte, V., Stenni, B., Jouzel, J.: Deglaciation records of 17O–excess in East Antarctica: reliable reconstruction of oceanic relative humidity from coastal sites, Clim. Past Discuss., Vol. 8(1), pp 1–16, 2012.
Früchtl, M., Röckmann, T.: Laboratory measurements of the anomalous isotopic composition of ozone, workshop “Spectroscopy and dynamics of ozone and related atmospheric species, Reims, 2011.
Meusinger, C., Johnson, M., Berhanu, T.A., Erbland, J., Vicars, W., Savarino, J.: Photochemical isotope effects in snowpack nitrate, ISI 2012.
Mrozek D., Röckmann, T: Mass independent fractionation in stratospheric CO2, Ispra, Italy, 2011.
Reutenauer, C.: Quantification of the role of orbital and millennial timescale processes on 18O and 17 signals, EGU General Assembly, Vienna, 2011.
Janssen, C., Simone, D., Elandaloussi, H., Camy-Peyret, C., Guinet, M., Mondelain, D.: Quantitative ozone spectroscopy from UV to IR - Refinement of cross sections and intensities, Tenth Informal Conference on Atmospheric and Molecular Science, Copenhagen, 2011.
Janssen, C., Simone, D., Guinet, M., Elandaloussi, H., Camy-Peyret, C., Mondelain, D., Yeseck, P., Té, Y.V.: Ozone absorption cross section at 253.65 nm revisited – towards hmoogenisation of UV–IR spectral data of ozone, Quadrennial ozone Symposium, Toronto, Canada, 2012.
Vicars W.C.; Morin, S.; Savarino, J.: Comprehensive isotopic composition of atmospheric nitrate during CalNex: inferring sinks and sources of NOx from nitrate stable isotope ratios; CalNex 2010 Meeting; Davis, California; 2011.
Vicars, W.C., Erbland, J., Savarino, J.: Comprehensive isotopic composition of nitrate in Antarctic snow and atmospheric aerosol samples: towards interpretation of the polar ice core record, Comité National Franceis des Recherches Arctiques et Antarctiques 7émes Journées Scientifiques, Paris, 2011.
Vicars, W.C.; Bhattacharya, S.K.; Erbland, J.; Savarino, J.: Measurement of the oxygen isotope anomaly (∆17O) of tropospheric ozone using a nitrite-coated filter; EGU General Assembly; Vienna; 2011. NOTE: this talk was also given at 10th ICAMS; Copenhagen; 2011
Vicars, W.C.; Bhattacharya, S.K.; Erbland, J.; Savarino, J.: Spatial and temporal variability in the 17O–excess (D17O) of surface ozone: Ambient measurements using the nitrite–coated filter method, 6th International Symposium on Isotopomeres, Washington DC, 2012.
Winkler, R., Landais, A., Prié, F., Fourré, E., Jean-Baptiste, P., Uemura, R., Vimeux, F., Stenni B., Jouzel, J.: Spatial and temporal variability of 17O-excess in East Antarctica; The 5th International Symposium on Isotopomers ISI, Amsterdam, 2010.
Winkler, R., Landais, A., Baroni, M., Ekaykin, A., Falourd, S., Jouzel, J., Minster, B., Petit, J.R., Prié, R., Risi, C.: Stable water isotopologues of East Antarctic (Vostok) snow samples: new insights in termperature – 18O relationship, ISI 2012, Washington, 2012.
Landais, A., Winkler, R., Risi, C., Bony, S., Guillevic, M., Steen–Larsen, H.-C., Vimeux, F., Uemura, R., Xiao, C., Hoffman, G., Jouzel, J., Kelley, M., Fukui, K.: 17O excess in water as a new tracer for hydrological cycle: application to tropical and polar regions, Water vapour in the climate system (WAVACS), Paris, 2010.
Winkler, R., Landais, A., Prié, F., Stenni, B., Moy, A., v. Ommen, T., Fourré, E., Jean-Baptiste, P., Beley, J.-J., Jouzel, J.: Temporal and spatial 17O-excess variations reflect changes in the hydrological cycle except in remote central east Antarctica; EGU, EGU2011-9766, 2011.
Landais, A., Winkler, R., Barkan, E., Dapoigny, A. Eykaykin, A., Falourd, S., Fourré, E., Jean–Baptiste, P., Luz, B., Minster, B., Petit, J.R., Prié, F., Risi, C.: Combination of water isotopes to improve temperature reconstruction, Goldschmidt conference, Montreal, 2012.
Forecast, R., Schmidt, S.J., Hartman, H., Nilsson, H., Huldt, S., Johnson, M.S.: Absorption cross section measurements of CO2 isotopologues 13CO2 and C18O2 in the wavelength range 150 – 187 nm, MAX-lab Activity Report, 2010.