Building address:
Princetonplein 5, 3584 CC Utrecht, The NETHERLANDS
Postal address:
PO box 80005, 3508 TA Utrecht, The NETHERLANDS
Tel: +31 30 253 32 75
Fax: +31 30 254 31 63
Our building, Buys Ballot Laboratory is situated on the Princetonplein, in the North-Western corner of the University compound De Uithof, Utrecht.
From Schiphol Airport to Utrecht:
From Schiphol Airport a direct connection to Utrecht Centraal exists.
Utrecht Centraal is the third stop. The entire trip lasts
about 32 minutes and costs 7.60 Euros (second class) or 12.90
Euros (first class).
From Utrecht Centraal to De Uithof:
You can take a number 12/12S or number 11 bus.
Number 12/12S runs very frequently, but you will have to walk
a little further once in De Uithof. Number 11 takes you through
the historic city center of Utrecht. In any case, allow for a
journey of approximately 25 minutes in all.
With a number 11 bus, get off at bus stop Botanische Tuinen.
You will be across from the Minnaert Building.
With a number 12/12S bus, get off at bus stop Sorbonnelaan.
Follow the Sorbonnelaan while keeping the motorway on your left
hand, and you will automatically end up at the Physics compound.
Links to public transport sites:
N.S. (Railways):
Public transport journey planner: