Ice and Climate: Polar in-situ observations


AWS20, Larsen C West


66°36' S, 63°13' W, ~70 m a.s.l. (Argos id:29046)


November 2022 to still operational


The station is located close to the grounding line of the Larsen C ice shelf. The station was erected and is visited when weather permits once a year by BAS personnel. This station was originally named AWS18 and located about 20 km west of its current location. It was moved to ensure future accessibility.



Current calendar year

Last 7 days

Wind direction [deg]

Wind speed [m/s]

Wind speed max [m/s]

Short wave in [W/m2]

Short wave ref [W/m2]

Long wave in [W/m2]

Long wave out [W/m2]

Temp. CNR1 [deg C]

Air temp. [deg C]

Rel. hum. [%]

Air pressure [hPa]

Sonic alt. [m]

Melt wire [m]

Snow temp. 1 [deg C]

Snow temp. 2 [deg C]

Snow temp. 3 [deg C]

Snow temp. 4 [deg C]

Snow temp. 5 [deg C]

Snow temp. 6 [deg C]

Snow temp. 7 [deg C]

Snow temp. 8 [deg C]

Temp. TC1 [deg C]

Temp. TC2 [deg C]

Tilt pitch [deg]

Tilt roll [deg]

Compass heading [deg]

Battery usage [days]

Memory usage [%]

Battery voltage [V]

Status [-]

GPS height [masl]

Argos data info