Karthaus summer school

Creative outbursts

The Karthaus summerschool had two musical evenings. The lyrics of Andrew's songs as well as the photo of Hans and Jakobs tango performance are available.
Also, we would like the knödel to conquer the world. A recipe can be found here.

Zur Goldenen Rose

The Karthaus summer school was accommodated in the excellent hotel Zur Goldenen Rose.

Sportive endeavours

Many students spend their free time in an overly active way. Read about the rules of the gentleman frisbee game and a detailed report of the traditional football match.

Media attention

Karthaus summer school made it to several papers. Download the newspaper articles of 'Dolomiten', 'Die neue Südtiroler Tageszeitung' and 'Der Vinschger' (all in German).

The rules for playing Frisbee

During this summer school fribee was the new hype. We played mostly in breaks during the lectures to get some exercise after sitting for almost an hour. However, some of us played some real frisbee matches as well. For this it is essential that you have enough people (8-16 or so), have a good frisbee (a real one is quite heavy so that it is easier to throw) and that you know the basic rules. Most of us didn't, but thanks to Inger, who brought the frisbee thing to Karthaus, we now do.
The basics are that you can't run with the disc. To move it you have to throw it to a teamplayer. The disc is not allowed to touch the ground, if it does the disc goes over to the other team. You make a point by catching the disc at the far end of the field.
For a complete version of the rules, have a look at this webpage; a consise version can be found here.