Karthaus summer school

Creative outbursts

The Karthaus summerschool had two musical evenings. The lyrics of Andrew's songs as well as the photo of Hans and Jakobs tango performance are available.
Also, we would like the knödel to conquer the world. A recipe can be found here.

Zur Goldenen Rose

The Karthaus summer school was accommodated in the excellent hotel Zur Goldenen Rose.

Sportive endeavours

Many students spend their free time in an overly active way. Read about the rules of the gentleman frisbee game and a detailed report of the traditional football match.

Media attention

Karthaus summer school made it to several papers. Download the newspaper articles of 'Dolomiten', 'Die neue Südtiroler Tageszeitung' and 'Der Vinschger' (all in German).


Jojanneke van den Berg (Sunshine knödel)
Institute for Marine and Atmospheric Research Utrecht
University of Utrecht
Topics: Thermodynamics of ice sheets
Michiel van den Broeke (Knödel paradox)
Institute for Marine and Atmospheric Research Utrecht
University of Utrecht
Topics: Polar meteorology
Hubertus Fischer (Gentleman knödel)
Alfred Wegener Institute for Polar and Marine Research
Topics: Ice coring, ice chemistry
Andrew Fowler (Papa knödel)
Oxford Centre for Industrial and Applied Mathematics
University of Oxford
Topics: Basal sliding, drainage, subglacial processes
Hilmar Gudmundsson (Inverse joke knödel)
British Antarctic Survey
Topics: Continuum mechamics, inverse modelling
Adrian Jenkins (Low fat knödel)
British Antarctic Survey
Topics: Ice shelf-ocean interactions
Glenn Milne (Cartoon knödel)
Durham University
Topics: Geodynamics
Thomas Moelg (Star knödel)
Institute of Geography
University of Innsbruck
Topics: Tropical glaciers
Hans Oerlemans (Top knödel)
Institute for Marine and Atmospheric Research Utrecht
University of Utrecht
Topics: Ice sheet and glacier models, glacier microclimate
Tony Payne (Dry - but NOT dozing off - knödel)
School of Geographical Sciences
University of Bristol
Topics: Numerical ice sheet modelling
Helmut Rott (Ötzi knödel)
Institute fur Meteorologie und Geophysik
University of Innsbruck
Topics: Remote Sensing
Arjen Stroeven (Sweetie knödel)
Department of Physical Geography & Quaternary Geology
Stockholm University
Topics: Glacial geomorphology, Cenozoic Antarctica